These loans are typically on residential properties that are no longer considered “bankable”. These loans would include purchase/renovation loans on single family houses and commercial properties that require extensive rehabilitation work in order to reposition the property in the rental or resale market. These loans are made on properties that are to be “flipped” or resold, but we will also offer these loans to developers who intend to hold these properties.

Griffin Funding is dedicated to making the right loan to the right borrower on the right property and this starts by providing loan programs which gives the borrower flexibility.

These are borrowers who would currently qualify for a bank loan but are unable to wait for the long approval process typical with banks today. Borrowers need to close on their property purchase as soon as possible and need a “bridge” loan between the close of the property and when they receive a permanent loan from the bank. In addition, some borrowers have properties that need very minor repairs/improvements, these improvements can reposition or stabilize the property for a bank loan.

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